Sunday, December 9, 2012

Stuck Up

I was recently informed that I am "stuck up" and conceited. Cool story bro.

That just made me laugh because I may often say things that you could easily misconstrue and believe that I am a stuck up bitch. But 2 seconds after I say things like that, I'm laughing at myself because it will be something so not true. I can be really sarcastic, especially when talking about myself because I in no way think I am some great gift to this earth. I will also be the first person to laugh at myself or make fun of myself because there isn't much about myself that I take seriously. If you ever read something that I write about myself with some self applauding, "I'm so great" attitude, take with a HUGE grain of salt. And if you really believe that I think highly of myself, then you really don't know me at all and don't get my sense of humor.

Another crazy thing about learning that I am a stuck up, conceited bitch was the fact that I genuinely liked this person and liked hanging out with them. They never gave me any indication that they didn't like me. I'm a big girl, if you don't like me, then don't pretend you do. I don't need everyone to like me and I don't care if you do or not. There is a big difference between being cordial and polite to people you see, interact with, work with, or hang out with in the same circle of friends and acting like you are great buddies. I'm not in high school anymore where I need or want fake friends in my life. I like to think I've out grown that pettiness.

Now I'm not gonna sit here and pout about something like this. As an adult, if I see this person out and about and we happen to be with our friends at the same time, no big deal, if I need to address it head on, I will, but no need to be fake friendly to me if you don't mean it. Politeness is all I expect out of anyone.

Now back to my studying like a good girl! Studying is starting to seem like the only thing I will have time for these days anyway.

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